Students in 80 Chicago classrooms are participating Pilot Light's award-winning food education model.

Will you Champion a Classroom, Bring It Home, or Encourage Empathy with a donation to our Annual Appeal?


Champion a Classroom:: Engage students in classroom learning through food 

  • Pilot Light lessons energize learning..Children's eyes shine with pride when they make their first omelette and widen when they first taste a blueberry. A single donation of $500 or just $40/month will Champion a Classroom and provide food for immersive learning experiences to an entire classroom for a year.. Let's find a champion for every classroom!

Bring It Home: Transfer healthy behaviors from the classroom to the dinner table

  • Lasting change is most likely when healthy habits learned at school are carried into the home environment. A single donation of $250 or just  $20/month helps a classroom share a year’s worth of information about food choices with parents and family members including recipes and practical activities they can conduct at home with their children. Help us help entire families and communities be healthier!

Encourage Empathy: Pilot Light students care about their communities and each other

  • When students at this Pilot Light school learned about the increase in the number of homeless.families in their community what did they do? They sent them Love Lunches. A single donation of $100 or just  $10/month gives a classroom of students the materials and resources they need to complete impactful Food Advocacy projects. 

Please support the Appeal today by clicking this DONATE button. Thank you!